Running the IRB-120 in the ROS Arm Navigation Warehouse
This post is part of a series of posts adapted from the Engineering Notebook I kept while building ABBY for my masters thesis. Since I wrote these posts three years after the fact, some details may be a bit lacking.
Running the IRB-120 in ROS Arm Navigation
(Adapted from the ROS Industrial instructions for the Motoman industrial robot.) These instructions assume that you have already created an arm navigation package, collision mesh, and URDF with correct joint limits and signs.
- (First run) Build the arm navigation package: rosmake irb_120_arm_navigation</p>
Launch the warehouse viewer: roslaunch irb_120_arm_navigation planning_scene_warehouse_viewer_irb_120.launch
Accept default options in the dialogue.
Using the Arm Navigation Warehouse (Simulated)
Click "new." The model should start appearing properly in rviz, meaning the Tfs are being published. I need to do some reading (particularly the IROS 2011 talk). Notes on this to follow.