A Name, Finished Frame Parts, and a DigiKey Order
First news: I have a name! I'm calling her Abby (because the arm is made by ABB) on the suggestion of Ian Grams, who I don't even know.
I had to remachine three of the frame rails so that the vertical rails that hold the IRB-120 would be the right distance apart. I finally was able to do that today. I was going to do it on Bobs's mini-mill, but the drawbar is stripped. Instead, I used the old Project Club minimill, which uses R8 collets, and is therefore much nicer. I also ordered Bobs a new drawbar.
Cutting, facing, and drilling the three frame rails took the majority of the day. I did each hole in about 7 steps to keep from stalling the minimill, which is only designed to drill holes up to 1/2" in diameter (I was going up to 11/16). In any case, I finished all of the frame parts and mounted the arm. It's probably going to have to move up a bit, but the rail spacing is right. (Pic below.)
In other news, we have a Kinect now, and two more are on the way. I finalized my DigiKey order and did the schematic for the E-Stop Remote. I sent the DigiKey order to Wyatt and hopefully that'll be ordered soon. I still need to finish putting together a McMaster order.