Meeting Notes from 8/3 and To Do List as of Morning 8/6
Meeting Notes
- Discussed next steps in trying to get communication working with IRC5
- Try TCP (Russell's code from 109 includes both TCP and UDP. I don't know if he was successful with both.) If it works, the problem is either ABB's UDP setup of my UDP listener.
- Try my code/config on the IRC5 and IRB-140 downstairs. If they work, then the problem is with my ABB hardware.
- Discussed SWRI's progress and whether their work is applicable. They seem to have made progress working with ABB hardware, but their work is still incomplete. We have a formal agreement with them, so Wyatt sent them an email asking what their status is.
- Need to get localization/navigation working
- Set LIDAR TF to match Abby's config
- Check gyro
- Tune Eric's steering algorithm
- Try Eric's premade "tracks" for navigation through 210/Glennan 2
- Want to get videos of driving by next week
- Grab a camera from Freedman center of Thinkbox
- Get some videos of autonomous driving
- Post to YouTube (get account access)
- Find out who controls
- Make Abby a homepage
- Need to get gripper manufactured. Arkady can do it for me, but I'll have to order some backing material for him.
- We'll want a second PC to handle Kinect data
- There's a small PC in the lab, left over from (probably) a senior project. It might suffice. It has a DC-DC supply, but it might only be a 12V one.
- If not, we can spec out another PC for Abby. This would require another DC-DC supply, mobo, processor, case, and RAM. It would probably stack on top of the existing PC.
- Greg and Miles have found that the model of Abby is doing a lot of unnecessary collision calculations because it is made of so many independent (but fixed) pieces. I will try to combine all of the fixed parts into a single STL model for them. Unfortunately, this might have less accurate inertial characteristics.
To Do (no 0rder)
- Test RRI with TCP
- Glue encoder wires in (hot glue) because I'm derpy and didn't use modular connectors (revised version does)
- Mount Kinect
- Fabricate Kinect standoffs
- Fabricate Kinect mounting plate (need to track down or approximate a sheet metal braek for this one)
- Test gyro
- Test RRI code on IRB-140
- Make simplified STLs for Greg
- Driving video
- Demo video
- Driving with arm motion
- Driving with picking and placing of standard carrier
- Characterize battery performance
- Drive train only
- arm in motion
- arm static
- Come up with arm/Kinect calibration procedure
- Set up shelf for Abby to grab from
- Design standard carrier
- Give Abby a holding shelf/bin/something
- Add separate heartbeat signal to remote/e-stop schematics
- Figure out why the cRIO voltage is reading 0 volts (this does not affect performance)
- New e-stop schematic
- New e-stop layout
- New e-stop remote layout
- Make PC auto-boot on power up (requires connection of one cable between PSU and mobo)
- Figure out why I can't connect to ROS remotely
- Wire up solenoid (requires some switching transistors and a way to interface with the PC, possible an arduino or something)
- New cRIO breakout layout
- Mount rear Kinect
- RRI->ROS node
- Get basic RRI comms
- Pick data to send back and forth
- Write RAPID code and config files
- Write ROS node and message types (if practical, be SWRI-compatible)