More E-stop work
Connected the e-stop to the IRC5 today. Unfortunately, I could only figure out how to control the IRC5’s e-stop, not read it. I’m controlling the General Stop input, which is on connector XS9. Using a 4N35 (NPN output opto-isolator), I switch the 24v output of the IRC5’s connection to the General Stop inputs (there are 2, and both must be switched together). When the General Stop is at 24v, the robot is enabled. When the General Stop is floating, the robot is disabled.
I couldn’t find a good way to read the IrRC5 e-stop state. There are contactors that will output 230vAC when the motors are enabled (for powering an external drive unit or tool), but I can’t seem to find a more reasonable output. I could always use a RAPID program to output the e-stop state to an GPIO, but I don’t want to deal with that right now. My short term solution is to just bypass that input to the E-stop by shorting pins 4 and 5 (emitter and collector) of the 4N35 opto-isolator, which puts that e-stop in the enable state.