Notes for 3/2

1 minute read

Met with my advisers today. Notes:

  • Finally got a Go from ITS about getting SolidWorks installed in the lab. They should schedule someone to come do that this week.
  • We should put a camera onboard the arm. We have many Firewire cameras. The motherboard we're getting has no Firewire. This could be rectified with an add-on card.
  • Talked about manipulable object information system:
    • Objects have identifiers on them (QR codes?) that point to an online description of the object.
    • Minimal hard-coding of manipulation. All manipulation information should come from the online description.
    • Demonstrate with one or two simple objects
    • Maybe have different levels of data to request (basic dimensions/lift points vs full 3D model data)
    • Do something with registering object in space based on registration marks and vision system and corresponding registration mark patterns in description.
    • Simple user interface (probably just an API hook for me, someone else will make an interface) to give commands such as "Pick up 3 of Object A, 4 of Object B, and 2 of Object C and bring them to Station 4." The robot knows where Objects A, B, and C and Station 4 are in the environment and can execute the command.

Tasks for this week:

  • Write up proposal for Manipulable Object Information System for EECS 600.
  • CAD up and weight all robot components so I can do mechanical design over break.
  • Keep plugging away at RAPID.
  • Look into PCI Firewire cards.
  • Talk to Russell about grippers (?)