Notes for 6/25/2012 (RRI)
Found that hitting Motors On and then clicking the enable (not holding, just clicking on and off) clears the “Failed to Start. The operation is not allowed by the safety system…” error.
Then I get error 112600 (Init of communication interface failed). This appears to be related to my RRI configuration files. I haven’t figured out what’s wrong, but I was able to verify that my Python UDP listener works by writing a quick UDP sender on my laptop.
The circuit boards came in today. I immediately noticed that a few of my through holes were too small, mostly for the screw terminals. Unfortunately, this means I have to drill them out, which destroys the plating, which means ugly greenwiring. I managed to populate the board, but I haven’t tested it yet. I did test the 7805 voltage regulator (unloaded), and it’s putting out 4.94 volts. That’s a little low, but it’s fine for my purposes. I still have to test it under load and make sure it can handle the heat.
My e-stop receiver board fits perfectly in the enclosure I have for it. I cut out the e-stop sender board, but then misplaced it. Luckily, I have another set of boards.