Notes for Morning of 2/13
When I came in today, the first thing I did was send my advisor an email about the new PC I want to put on the robot. The old one is a Micro ATX board with an i7. I had wanted to replace it with a Mini ITX with an i5, but after talking with another grad student here, decided against Mini ITX -- apparently they're less reliable than Micro ATX.
Although switching to Micro ATX means I could recycle the existing motherboard and processor, I was planning to use the old PC as a CAD workstation. If those parts stay in the robot, I'll need to scrounge together another PC for Solidworks.
Back to the continuing saga of getting my IRC5 to run without errors... The error message I'm getting is 112603: "The configuration settings files for the communication interface is not found in the HOME/GSI folder." I think it's related to this.
I created configuration files for GSI, with one network device, which I called ROSMaster. This will correspond to the PC on the robot, specifically a ROSNode that I will write as a gateway between the ROS message passing system and the RRI message passing system. They're actually pretty similar, so it shouldn't be too hard to write the interface.
Once I added the configuration files to the project, the controller booted up with no errors. I confirmed that everything was working by jogging the arm around a little. My next step on the arm is to start learning the RAPID programming language that ABB controllers use.