RAPID Side of the ROS Industrial Driver
Basic Driver Architecture (Excerpted from a whitepaper I'm writing on my driver)
This driver’s architecture was primarily dictated by the structures of ROS and ROS Industrial and by the limitations of the RAPID software system on the IRC5 Compact.
ROS’s arm navigation stack consists of a series of processes encapsulated in nodes. The arm path planning node publishes ROS JointTrajectory messages. These messages contain a sequence of points in a trajectory, represented by the angles of the robot joints to achieve each of the points. These trajectory messages must be fed into a simulator or into robot hardware. ROS arm navigation also expects feedback on the robot’s current state in the form of ROS JointState messages. These messages contain the current angular position, velocity, and acceleration of the arm’s joints.
ROS Industrial sits “on top of” the hardware drivers for the industrial robots it supports, creating several standard messages and processes for communication with industrial robots. A ROS industrial driver consists of three ROS nodes. The first node publishes a model of the robot loaded from a Universal Robot Description File (URDF). The second node gets physical state and software status information from the robot controller over a network connection and publishes it in ROS using the JointState message and other appropriate ROS message types. The third node gets JointTrajectory messages from ROS and sends them to the robot controller over a network connection. The first part of the ROS driver, the URDF node, already exists in ROS, but it was necessary to create the URDF description of the robot. Using 3D CAD files of the IRB-120, and URDF file was created using MathWorks’s SimMechanics plugin for AutoDesk Inventor and David Lu’ SimMechanics to URDF script. This outputs a simple URDF of the robot arm, defining all of the links and joints of the arm.
The second part of the ROS driver, the state feedback node, was based heavily on existing ROS Industrial feedback nodes. ROS Industrial communicates with robot controllers over TCP or UDP sockets using messages defined by SWRI. The messages are defined as serializable C++ classes and consist of a simple header and a data payload. The header contains the message type, communication type, and a reply code. The data payload contains the data of the message, serialized into a byte array. SWRI had already defined a message type for joint state feedback. A new message type was defined for robot controller status, based on SWRI’s existing development roadmap. This ROS node is a TCP client that connects to a TCP server, written in RAPID, running on the IRC5 Compact. The RAPID server periodically sends serialized ROS Industrial joint messages and serialized ROS Industrial robot status packages to the ROS node. The ROS node has two message handlers, one for each message. The message handler for the joint state deserializes the ROS Industrial joint state message and uses it to populate a ROS JointState message, which it them publishes on the ROS topic /joint_states. The message handler for the robot status deserializes the ROS Industrial robot status message and uses it to update the robot status in the ROS diagnostic system. This handler was written completely from scratch for this driver; no existing ROS industrial robot drivers provide this functionality. The new message and handler for robot status should be reusable in other ROS industrial robot drivers.
The third part of the ROS driver, the trajectory sender node, was based heavily on existing ROS Industrial trajectory sender nodes. SWRI had already defined a message type for joint trajectory points. This ROS node is a TCP client that connects to a TCP server, written in ROS, running on the IRC5 Compact. The node consists of a callback function that waits for a ROS JointTrajectory message to be published on the ROS topic /command. When a JointTrajectory message is received, the ROS node breaks it up into ROS Industrial joint trajectory point messages, serializes them, and sends them to the IRC5 Compact. The RAPID server on the IRC5Compact.
In addition to the RAPID server modules and a global configuration module, there is a motion control module, containing a motion control process. This requires three processes (two servers and a motion control process) to run in parallel using the ABB’s Multitasking option. The servers are static processes, and only the motion control process issues motion commands. When the RAPID trajectory server finishes receiving a trajectory from the ROS client, it copies the trajectory into a global trajectory variable, using a rudimentary semaphore system implemented with a global variable to prevent race conditions with the motion process. It then sets a flag in the semaphore. The motion module has the current trajectory stored in a local variable. The main motion process consists of an infinite loop. In every iteration of the loop, it runs a RAPID MoveJ command to move to the next point in the trajectory, then checks if the semaphore flag is set indicating that there is a new trajectory available in the global variable. If the flag is set, it copies the global trajectory into the local trajectory variable and resets the local trajectory pointer to the beginning of the trajectory. Again, the rudimentary semaphore system is used to prevent race conditions with the server module. The semaphore flag is then cleared.
The RAPID side consists of 3 programs running in parallel by means of RobotWare's Multitasking option. The two servers should run as semistatic (background) tasks. The procedure for creating a static task in RobotStudio:
- Connect to the controller and gain write access.
- Go to Configuration/Controller and go to tasks.
- Right click and create a new task. Set the task's type to SEMISTATIC.
- Put the controller in manual mode (important) and warm restart it. If you have the controller in automatic mode, it will go into a system failure state when it tries to run the empty task on restart.
- Create your task's program with the RAPID editor. Make sure you have a process that matches the name you chose for the task's Main entry.
- Warm start the controller in automatic mode, and your task should run.
There is still one problem I need to resolve. RobotWare has a maximum number of times it will retry a statement when it throws and exception and that exception is handled by a retry statement (default 4, but up to 1000). This includes socket timeouts. I need to figure out a way around this.