Setting up e-stop Modems

less than 1 minute read

Using an Arduino (Duemilanove) as an FTDI adapter and Digi’s X-CTU software to configure my xBee modems.

Serial Numbers:

Remote: 13A200408BE476

Receiver: 13A200408BE47A

Channel: 0xC

Sample Rate: 10mS

Timeout: 100mS

Board Notes

Note: latch output on the remote was connected to pin 16 (DIO6) instead of pin 17 (DIO3) on the xbee. I fixed this on the board, but have not yet corrected the schematic. Also, the schematic symbol for the xbee has several pins mislabeled.

Note2: Still need to make footprint fixes on the screw terminals and capacitors. Also still need to reverse the diode silkscreen on the receiver (the schematic is correct).

