To Do
- Wire up e-stop for good
- Test encoders
- Troubleshoot gyro
- Create drawings for machine shop
- Mount accumulators
- Wire compressor switch and solenoid
Estop Wired Up
Wired up the e-stop. Still have to test it with the cRIO’s software enable/disable (I’ve simulated it with a 5v supply, but it’s now connected to the cRIO).
Found out why connecting the gyro shorts out my 5v rail. Going to have to pull the breakout board to fix the RJ45 connector to the gyro.
Gyro pins: Gyro (my PCB)
- NC (GND)
- NC (AI6) (Reroute this trace to pin 8, then connect AIs to correct screw terminals on module.)
- Temp (AI7) (Should be AI6)
- 2.5v ref (AI5) (Should be AI7)
- GND (5v) (Cut this trace)
- Rate (GND) (Should be AI5)
Voltage Rails
When I pull the breakout board, I also need to make sure the cRIO voltage is properly connected and it’s voltage divider works. It’s reading 0 on the diagnostic, but the voltage is good (checked with a multimeter) up to the screw terminal.
I verified all other voltages (5v, 24v bus, 13.8v bus, eStop/motors) and all are good.
The encoders tested out ok, but I had to swap the A and B signal lines on both wheel encoders. Also, note that the encoder values are reversed because most of the robots drive with the casters in the back instead of the front.