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Testing Breakout, Mounting Compressor

1 minute read

I haven’t had much time to work the last couple days, but I did accomplish some things. I had already connected everything to the cRIO breakout except for th...

Designed a Doorknob Gripper

less than 1 minute read

Today, I designed the parts to adapt a parallel plate gripper we had laying around to be able to grip doorknobs. I had to design a new coupling/adapter to at...

E-stop Working

1 minute read

The E-stop now works, but I had to make a few modifications:

More E-stop work

less than 1 minute read

Connected the e-stop to the IRC5 today. Unfortunately, I could only figure out how to control the IRC5’s e-stop, not read it. I’m controlling the General Sto...

Note on Relay

less than 1 minute read

The coil of the solenoid relay draws 300mA. The TIP102 can handle that.