Mounted Inverter, Set up New Workstation, Started Working on RAPID
This morning, I mounted the inverter (and remounted the Sabertooth and the 13.8v power supply). I was able to fit all of them without too much trouble, but t...
This morning, I mounted the inverter (and remounted the Sabertooth and the 13.8v power supply). I was able to fit all of them without too much trouble, but t...
Note to self: You probably need to install ros-fuerte-audio-common on Abby.
I forgot to mention in my last post that I have been doing some reading on ROS Industrial, which Wyatt pointed me to last semester. Basically, the Southwest ...
I finally finished the layout for the three circuit boards last week. I did some breadboard work to validate my design choices for the opto-isolators. I had ...
Notes from today’s meeting with Wyatt and Greg Greg has a working (ish) model of the robot in Gazebo based on my URDF and STL files. He has defined movab...